Snapplify hardcopy fulfillment booksellers can view hardcopy orders in Origin>Order. All PAID hardcopy orders that are purchased on Snapplify are available in Origin.

To view the orders you will need to sign into Origin

  • Navigate to and sign in with your registered Snapplify username and password.
  • On the left-hand side in the Finance section, you will select Order.

View all Orders

In the list view all the order items will display by:

ReferenceThe unique reference of the order
UserThe student username
CustomerThe institution name
Payment StatePayment status of the order
Shipping StatusShipping status of the order
QuantityNumber of items on the order
Shipping AmountThe cost of the shipping paid
TotalThe total amount of the order
DateThe date the order was completed

Search for specific orders by refining the search

Search by reference

Click on Advanced on the far right hand side, type in the reference and click Search

Search by Customer

Click on Advanced on the far right hand side, type in the Customer name and click Search.

Search by date range

Click on Advanced on the right hand side, select the Start Date and End date and click Search.

Export Orders

Select the order you would like to export or select specific orders if required. The export will download as a CSV that you can convert to Excel. The export will include all the fields mentioned above, and the product notes on order items.

To view an Order

Click on the reference in blue and the order will open

View of an Order

On the right hand side you will see the user details such as the Student Name, email address, Grade and Mobile number.

Below the User Details you will see the Family Details which is the contact Information of the guardians who made the purchase

Further below you will see the Customer which is the name of the institution

In the top of the Order section you will see all the order information you would have seen in the list view.

Below this section you will see the Delivery Address

Order Items

  • Scroll down to Products where you will see the order items on the order.
  • Each order item has a unique identifier (eg. 1Y6KYKYIQI-2 and 1Y6KYKYIQI-1)

Please note that all hardcopy orders are sent to the relevant bookseller's email address, and all hardcopy orders in Origin must match the hardcopy order notification sent via email.

If orders do not show please reach out to [email protected].