This article is for Snapplify hardcopy fulfillment booksellers and Finance users of Origin.

1. Log into Origin:

2. Click on Price List in the menu on the left-hand side

3. Click on your Price List to view and edit the titles and prices on your price list

To edit an existing price

Use the Advanced Search to search for the titles you would need to edit the price and click Search

Type in the name of the in the title search, select the title and click search

Click on Edit to update the price and click on Save

To remove an existing price from your price list

Click on the check box next to the title you wish to remove the hardcopy price from

Click on Remove

To add a new price/title to your price list

Click on New

Type the ISBN in the Title field and select the title from the drop down list 

Enter the price in the Amount field and click on Save

If the title does not appear in the dropdown as you are searching for it, please email with a list of the Titles and ISBNS.


Click on the Export button to export your price list. The export will be downloaded in CSV format that you'll be able to convert to Excel format.

The export includes the Title, Hardcopy ISBN, VAT-inclusive Price, the Created Date and Updated Date.

Bulk Import Price List

Preparing the CSV file containing ISBNs and prices for bulk importing:

  1. In an XLSX file, enter the ISBNs in column A and the price in column B.
  2. Ensure that the price column contains only numerical values without any currency symbols, then save the file as a CSV.
  3. Right-click on the CSV file you just saved in your documents folder and choose "Open with" > "WordPad". When you have opened the WordPad file, it should look similar to the example below:

  4. Copy the information in the WordPad file


In Origin, navigate to Price List and click on Import 

Paste the pricelist information from the WordPad as shown below

If there is any assistance regarding this please contact us on